About Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church

Mission Statement
The mission of Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church is to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ according to the Orthodox Christian Faith. We proclaim this message as a Eucharistic community through our Worship, Fellowship, Spiritual Growth & Education, Witness and Service & Outreach to Others.
All people everywhere are invited to participate in this journey towards the Kingdom of Heaven. ​
Most Orthodox Church communities in the U.S.A. have what can be referred to as an “immigrant” backstory. These Church communities were established to provide religious services to immigrants from traditionally Orthodox countries: Greece, the Balkans, Russia, the Middle East, etc. Most of these communities continue to self-identify as Greek, Russian, etc. With the Blessing of our Bishop, Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church does not identify itself with any ethnic or national group. The backstory of the Parish is also quite different. The founding members and clergy of the community were all converts to Orthodoxy from many varied religious. and even non-religious, backgrounds. Since its Canonical founding in 2001, “cradle” Orthodox people have also been joining the Parish, but, most of the new members continue to be converts. Of course we also have our own “homemade” cradle Orthodox children now as well.
We believe that Christ has Blessed, and continues to Bless, Holy Transfiguration as a work of Orthodox witness here in the U.S.A. Beyond any worthiness of our own we have received such amazing and beneficial support. First in the truly groundbreaking intercession on our behalf by our Bishop, Metropolitan JOSEPH, who made it possible for our fledgling community to be received into Canonical Orthodoxy. His continued loving support has been beyond description. He has been, and continues to be an exemplar of what a Bishop can be for his clergy and people. We have received exceptional financial support from our members and our financial policy has always been to live within our means. Still, getting an altogether new Parish underway is costly and our loving God has seen to it that the Parish receive several very substantial financial gifts. In addition the community itself continues to grow such that we are running out of room. A good problem to have.
Jesus Christ and His Church are our firm foundation. Each particular Church community, in addition, has its own dynamic and mission as well. We believe that our lack of ethnic or nationalist identity helps make possible a more clearly recognized and practiced Orthodox spirituality. The primary goal of the Church is not to create or maintain cultures in this world - valuable as they may be. The Church is given by Christ as a spiritual hospital and a therapeutic way of life to prepare ourselves for Eternal Life in God's Kingdom of Heaven. It is not enough to just be forgiven. We must also be healed of our spiritual illnesses - Pride, Vanity, Self-love and all the others. In Orthodoxy, Worship, regular communion with Christ Who is both our physician and our medicine, spiritual struggle and discipline all take place within the context of a therapeutic community - either the Parish or the Monastery. Despite our own personal imperfections, indeed, even because of them, the people at Holy Transfiguration seek to be such a therapeutic community.
We are still a “work in progress.” Glory be to God.